Introduction to Dialogic Education:From theory to practice

Release time: 2022-11-15

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Teacher Introduction

Rupert Wegerif, Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Director of DEFI at Hughes Hall, Cambridge; he is a foriegn expert of the National Foreign Specialization Program of the College of Education for the Future, BNU; he focuses on the role of dialogue and technology in learning; he is interested in design-based research on educational dialogue mediated by technology.

Course Introduction

With this course, students will have the chance to both know the meanings, history, theoretical underpinnings, and contemporary approaches to implementing dialogic education, and to will increase their own dialogic skills and competencies, especially in a collaborative educational or organizational working context. The course is designed based on a dialogic project-based learning pedagogy, in which a variety of teaching and learning activities, such as lectures, discussions, workshops, and other creative and dialogic modalities, will be included.

Explain:For more course content, please see Wolearn