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Bo Sun

College of Education for the Future, BNU
Personal Profile
Bo Sun is Provost of Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus, Vice President of College of Education for the Future, main member of Artificial Intelligence and Future Network Research Institute. Meanwhile, he is a member of the National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee of Information Technology Services Sub-Technical Committee, a deputy director of the National Association of Higher Education Computer Basic Education Research Committee of Youth Programming Education, a senior member of the Chinese Computer Society, a senior member of the Chinese Society of Graphic Imaging, a member of ACM, and a member of IEEE. He is also an expert of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, an expert of the Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China, and a member of the expert database of the Ministry of Education. He is mainly engaged in theoretical research and technology development in the fields of machine learning and emotional computing, computer vision and image recognition, artificial intelligence and big data-based educational applications. He has always undertaken the computer science professional courses for undergraduates, e.g. data structure, algorithm design and analysis, compilation principles, etc. He is in charge of BNUZ’s involvement in a number of national projects, including National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development Program, Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China, Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, National Education Science Plan (11th Five-Year Plan), 12th Five-Year Plan, Central Universities Basic Scientific Research Business Expenses Special Fund. In the past 10 years, he has published nearly 30 papers in SCI journals and dozens of papers in other journals and conferences.
Research Field
Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Image Recognition, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data based Educational Applications.
Recruiting Master/PhD students
Supervise PhD/ Masters Students, Artificial Intelligence, Subject Education, Applied Statistics
  • Teaching Practice

    Data Structure
    Algorithm Design and Analysis
    Principle of Compilation
  • Research Projects

    [1] 2021.1-2024.12, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), "Research on Teacher-student Interaction Emotion Recognition and Video Description Method Based on Space-time Deep Neural Network" (Project No. 62077009), Principle Investigator;
    [2] 2022.1-2024.12, Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, "Research on Automatic Evaluation of Heuristic Teaching Based on Deep Neural Network with Multi-modal Fusion" (Project No. : 2214050002868), Principle Investigator;
    [3] 2022.01.1-2022.12.31, 2021 Annual Education Science Planning Project of Guangdong Province (Higher Education Special), "Construction and Implementation of a Dual-Drive Education System for Hong Kong and Macao Adolescents under the Background of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" (Project approval number: 2021GXJK466), Principle Investigator;
    [4] 2021.10.01-2022.10.01, National foreign expert project, “Research and Teaching Reform Exploration on the Frontier Issues of Artificial Intelligence and Future Education” (Project No. G2021111027L), Principle Investigator;
    [5] 2022.06.30-2023.06.30, National foreign expert project, “Key Theories and Technologies of Higher Level Ability Cultivation in Intelligent Environment” (Project No.G2022111005L), Principle Investigator;
    [6] 2021.06-2021.12, "Compilation of the 14th Five-Year Plan for Education Informatization in Chancheng District of Foshan City", Principle Investigator;
    [7] 2018.1-2020.12, Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, "Research on Classroom Emotion Recognition for Students Based on Deep Time-domain Filtering Network and Multi-task Learning" (Project No. 4182031), Principle Investigator;
    [8] 2017.07-2020.12, 2017 National Key Research and Development Program "Strategic Advanced Electronic Materials" Key project "Kilowatt Level Continuous All-solid-state Laser Materials and Devices Key Technology" (No. 2017YFB0405100), Sub-project "Research on the Dynamic process of image-based laser Cleaning and the change of material Properties" of the First Project "Research on the damage Mechanism of Laser on materials and the Dynamic Process of Laser Cleaning", Sub-project Leader;
  • Academic Achievements


    [1] Sun Bo. Research on the International Frontier of Artificial Intelligence and Future Education [J]. The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education. 2022,28(01), pp:3.

    [2] Sun Bo. Explainable Artificial Intelligence: The Key to Open the "Black Box" of Future Intelligent Education [J]. The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education, 2012,28(01), pp:3-4.

    [3] Dragan Gasevic, Wu Zhichao, Lu Sixu, Sun Bo, He Jun *. Artificial Intelligence and Future-oriented Learning Analysis [J]. The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education, 2012,28(03) :5-12.

    [4] Jeremy Knox, Cui Xin, Jin Yu, Sun Bo *. Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Future Learning [J]. The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education, 2002,28(02) :5-12

    [5] Sun, Bo; Cao, Siming; Li, Dongliang; He, Jun*; Yu, Lejun, Dynamic Micro-Expression Recognition Using Knowledge Distillation [J]. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Volume: 13, Issue: 2, APRIL-JUNE 2022, pp: 1037-1043

    [6] Yongkang Xiao, Rong Xiao, Ning Huang, Yixin Hu, Huan Li,Bo Sun, Knowledge tracing based on multi-feature fusion[J]. Neural Computing & Applications, OCT 2022

    [7] Zhang yinghui, Yu Lejun,Sun Bo*, He jun*, “ENG-Face: cross-domain heterogeneous face synthesis with enhanced asymmetric CycleGAN”, Applied Intelligence, 2022, 52(13), pp. 15295–15307

    [8] He J, Peng L, Zhang Y,Sun Bo*. Machine Reading Comprehension with Rich Knowledge[J]. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol.36.No.05, 2022.4: 2251004

    [9] Sun, B (Sun, Bo), Wu, Y (Wu, Yong), et al. Cross-language multimodal scene semantic guidance and leap sampling for video captioning[J]. Visual Computer, Jan 2022(JCR Q2)

    [10] Peng Li andBo Sun*. Integration of Multi-Omics Data to IdentifyCancer Biomarkers[J].Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR), Volume 15:6 Issues, 2022(1)

    [11] Sun, B (Sun, Bo), Wu, Y (Wu, Yong), Zhao, KJ (Zhao,Kaijie), He, J (He,Jun)*, Yu, LJ (Yu,Lejun), Yan, HQ (Yan,Huanqing), Luo, AO (Luo,Ao), Student Class Behavior Dataset: a video dataset for recognizing, detecting, and captioning students' behaviors in classroom scenes[J]. Neural Computing & Applications, Jul 2021 (JCR Q1; IF5.606)

    [12] Wang, WD, Wang, ZY, Zhang, YH,Sun, B*, Xia, K, Learning Order Parameters from Videos ofSkyrmion Dynamical Phases with Neural Networks[J]. Physical Review Applied, No.1 Vol.16, JUL 2 2021(JCR Q1; IF4.985)

    [13] He, Jun, Yu,XiaoCcui,Sun, Bo*, Yu,LeJun, Facial expression and action unit recognition augmented by their dependencies on graph convolutional networks[J]. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, Jan 2021(JCR Q3)

    [14] Bo Sun, Zeng Yao,Yinghui Zhang,Lejun Yu*, Local relation network with multilevel attention for visual question answering[J].  Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Volume 73, November 2020, 102762

    [15] Jun H,Yijia Z, Bo S*, et al. Feedback evaluations to promote image captioning[J].IET Image Processing, v14n13, DOI: 10.1049/iet-ipr.2019.1317, pp:3021-3027, November 2020

    [16] Sun, Bo; Xu, Chang; He, Jun*; Yu, Lejun; Zhang, Yinghui. Cleanliness prediction of rusty iron in laser cleaning using convolutional neural networks[J].APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, v126 n3, FEB 11 2020

    [17] Qihua Xua;Sun, Bo*. Emotion Recognition Model Based on the Dempster-Shafer Evidence Theory[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, V29 N 2, MAR 2020

    [18] Song Lai,Bo Sun*,Fati Wu, Rong Xiao, Automatic personality identification using students' online learning behavior[J]. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Volume:13, Issue:1,Jan.-March 1 2020,pp. 26-37

    [19] Zhang, YingHui; Zhao, YiJia;Sun, Bo*; He, Jun. Visualizing the prediction of laser cleaning: a dynamic preview method with multi-scale conditional generative adversarial network[J]. APPLIED OPTICS, v 58,n 31, 8344-8353, NOV 1 2019

    [20] Jun He, Dongliang Li,Sun Bo* and Lejun Yu. Facial Action Unit Detection with Multilayer Fused MultiTask and Multi-Label Deep Learning Network[J]. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems,v13n11, pp:5546-5559, NOV 30 2019

    [21] Qinglan Wei, Elif Bozkurt, Louis-Philippe Morency, Bo Sun(*). Spontaneous smile intensity estimation by fusing Saliency Maps and CNNs[J]. Journal of Electronic Imaging, v28, n2, MAR 2019

    [22] Y. Zhang,B. Sun(*), Y. Xiao et al.. Feature augmentation for imbalanced classification with conditional mixture WGANs[J]. Signal Processing: Image Communication (2019)(JCR-Q2)

    [23] Bo Sun(#), Yinghui Zhang, Jun He(*), Yongkang Xiao, Rong Xiao. An automatic diagnostic network using skew-robust adversarial discriminative domain adaptation to evaluate the severity of depression[J]. Computer Methods and Programs inBiomedicine(2019) ( JCR-Q1/ Q2)

    [24] Bo Sun(#), Meng G, Cao S, et al.. Dual-level attention-aware network for temporal emotion segmentation[J],Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018, 27(3):1

    [25] Bo Sun, Yunzong Zhu, Yongkang Xiao, Rong Xiao and Yungang Wei. Automatic Question Tagging with Deep Neural Networks[J], IEEE Transactionson Learning Technologies, PP(99):1-1· Feb 2018

    [26] Bo Sun(#), Wei Q, He J , et al. BNU-LSVED 2.0: Spontaneous multimodal student affect database with multi-dimensional labels[J],Signal Processing: Image Communication, 2017:S0923596517301510(JCR-Q2)

    [27] Sun B(#), Cao S, He J(*), et al. Affect recognition from facial movements and body gestures by hierarchical deep spatio-temporal features and fusion strategy[J].Neural Networks, 2017, 105:S0893608017302848 (JCR-Q1,TOP)

    [28] Bo Sun(#);Siming Cao; Jun He(*); Lejun Yu; Liandong Li, Automatic temporal segment detection via bilateral long short-term memory recurrent neural networks[J],  J. Electron. Imaging. 26(2), 020501 (Mar, 2017).

    [29] Bo Sun(#), Liandong Li, Guoyan Zhou, Jun He(*), Facial expression recognition in the wild based on multimodal texture features [J],J. Electron. Imaging. 25(6), 061407 (2016)

    [30] Bo Sun(#), Qihua Xu, Jun He(*), Zhen Liu, Ying Wang, Fengxiang Ge, Damage assessment framework for landslide disaster based on very high-resolution images[J],J. Appl. Remote Sens. 10(2), 025027 (2016)

    [31] Bo Sun(#), Liandong Li, Xuewen Wu, Tian Zuo, Ying Chen, Guoyan Zhou. Combining Feature-Level and Decision-Level Fusion in a Hierarchical Classifier for Emotion Recognition in the Wild[J].  Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces.Volume 10, Issue 2, p 125-137, June 1, 2016

    [32] Bo Sun(#), Feng Xu, Guoyan Zhou, Jun He(*). Weighted Joint Dynamic Sparse Representation based Classification Method for Robust Alignment-free Face Recognition[J]. J. Electron. Imaging. Jan.2015

    [33] Sun Bo(#), Xu Feng, He Jun(*),Wu Xuewen. A Clustering-Weighted SIFT-Based Classification Method via Sparse Representation[J]. J. Electron. Imaging. Jul.2014


    [1] Research on Computer Network Protocols and Services, Zhu Xiaoming; Sun Bo, ISBN:, Beijing Institute of Technology Press, October 2019;

    [2] 3D Virtual World Design and Production, Associate Editor, ISBN: 978-7-121-25690-5, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2015;


    [1] J. He, Y. Zhong, P. Rao, et al. "A Prior-knowledge guided Multi-scale Deep Network for Speech Emotion Recognition". In Proceedings of the 2022 4th Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference (APIT 2022).(Accepted)

    [2] B. Sun, H. Li, R. Zhong, et al., "Adversarial Training Leaded Robust MRC Method", 2021 The 6th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, 2021

    [3] R. Zheng, R. Xiao, Y. Xiao, et al., "Deep Knowledge Tracking based on Exercise Semantic Information", 2021 The 6th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education, 2021

    [4] B. Sun, S. Lu, Y. Wen, J. He and L. Yu, "Analyses and Benchmark of a Spontaneous Student Affect Database," 2021 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (IEEE ISM)

    [5] J. He, L. Peng, B. Sun, L. Yu and M. Guo, "Dual Multi-Task Network with Bridge-Temporal-Attention for Student Emotion Recognition via Classroom Video", 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/IJCNN52387.2021.9533471. (CCF C)

    [6] Y. Zhang, C. Liu, B. Sun, J. He and L. Yu, "NIR-VIS Heterogeneous Face Synthesis via Enhanced Asymmetric CycleGAN", 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/IJCNN52387.2021.9533625. (CCF C)

    [7] B. Sun, Y. Wu, Z. Hao, H. Yan and J. He, "Student Break Behavior Recognition Dataset", 2021 6th International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing (ICIVC), 2021, pp. 72-75, doi: 10.1109/ICIVC52351.2021.9527012.

    [8] He, J., Yu, X., Sun, B., & Xiao, Y.. “Facial action units recognition by de-expression residue learning”. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 11187, 2019, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology VI; ISSN: 0277786X, E-ISSN: 1996756X; ISBN-13: 9781510630918; DOI: 10.1117/12.2539053

    [9] He, J., Yan, H., Xiao, Y., Sun, B., Yu, L., & Zhao, K. “Improvement of semi-supervised learning in real application scenarios”. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 11187, 2019, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology VI;  ISSN: 0277786X,  E-ISSN: 1996756X;  ISBN-13: 9781510630918;  DOI: 10.1117/12.2539055; October 21, 2019 - October 23, 2019, Hangzhou China

    [10] Sun, B., Zhao, K., Xiao, Y., He, J., Yu, L., Wu, Y., & Yan, H. “BNU-LCSAD: A video database for classroom student action recognition”. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 11187, 2019, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology VI; ISSN: 0277786X, E-ISSN: 1996756X; ISBN-13: 9781510630918; DOI: 10.1117/12.2539052; October 21, 2019 - October 23, 2019, Hangzhou China

    [11] Jun He, Xiaocui Yu, Lejun Yu, Bo Sun, “Facial Emotion and Action Unit Recognition based on Bayesian Network”, 8th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition, ICCPR 2019

    [12] Siming Cao, Kaijie Zhao, Lejun Yu, Penghao Rao, Xiaocui Yu, Yongkang Xiao, Huanqing Yan, Jun He, “Bipolar Disorder Classification based on Multimodal Recordings”, ICCPR 2019

    [13] Sun, Bo; Cao, Siming; He, Jun*; Yu, Lejun, “Two-stream attention-aware network for spontaneous micro-expression movement spotting”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Sciences, ICSESS, v 2019-October, p 702-705, October 2019, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science

    [14] Jun He, Penghao Rao, Siming Cao, Bo Sun, Lejun Yu, Huanqing Yan, Yongkang Xiao, “Cross-culture Continuous Emotion Recognition with Multimodal Features”, 8th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition, ICCPR 2019

    [15] Meng Guo; Qingmei Cheng;Bo Sun*; Jun He, Forehead-based Face Detection Algorithm with Multi-Feature Cascade Framework for Classroom[C]//Tenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2018);

    [16] Qingmei Cheng, Bojie Rong, Bo Sun, Jun He, “Class Attendance Checking System Based on Deep Learning and Global Optimization” ICCPR 2019 - 2019 8th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition

    [17]  Qihua Xu; Bojie Rong;BoSun,*; Jun He,*; Lejun Yu, Multimodal Facial Expression Recognition Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory Fusion Strategy[C], ACII ASIA 2018

    [18] Bo Sun; Siming Cao; Penghao Rao; Bojie Rong; Jun He*, Lejun Yu, Spontaneous Multi-Modal Dimensional Emotion Analysis with Multi-Task Learning and Hierarchical-Fusion Regression Model,[C]//International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018, pp:345-356

    [19] Penghao Rao; Ke Liu; Bin Yang; Jun He; Bo Sun, A Coaxial Mechanical Calibration Kit S-Parameters Model Based on ANN[C]//International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018, pp:357-368

    [20] Li Liandong, Baltrusaitis Tadas, Sun Bo*, Morency LP. Edge Convolutional Network for Facial Action Intensity Estimation[C],Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2018), 2018 13th IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2018

    [21] Xiao Rong,Sun Bo, Xiao Yongkang, Wei Yungang. A Notification Transmission Mechanism for Sensor Nodes Based on Sensing Contents in IoTs[C]. The International Conference on Identification, Information and Knowledgein The Internet of Things, 2018, 98-102

    [22] Yu, Lejun(#);Cao, Siming; He, Jun(*);Sun, Bo; Dai, Feng. Single-image super-resolution based on regularization with stationary gradient fidelity[C]// 2017 10th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics.

    [23] Li Liandong, Baltrusaitis Tadas, Sun Bo*, Morency LP. Combining Sequential Geometry and Texture Features for Distinguishing Genuine and Deceptive Emotions[C],2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops 2017, Venice, Italy, October 22-29 : 3147-3153. DOI: 10.1109/ICCVW.2017.372

    [24] Wei Q, Zhao Y, Xu Q,Sun B*. A new deep-learning framework for group emotion recognition[C]// Proceedings of 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages https://doi.org/10.1145/3136755.3143014

    [25] Wei Y, Zhu X,Bo S, et al. Comparative studies of AIML[C]// International Conference on Systems & Informatics. 2017.

    [26] Sun B, Zhang Y, He J, et al.. A random forest regression method with selected-text feature for depression assessment[C]//AVEC 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th Annual Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge, co-located with MM 2017, p 61-68, October 23, 2017, AVEC 2017 - Proceedings of the 7th Annual Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge, co-located with MM 2017.

    [27] Jun He, Yijia Zhao,Bo Sun(*), Lejun Yu . Research on video capture scheme and face recognition algorithms in a class attendance system[C]// ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, v Part F132881, p 6-10, September 6, 2017, ICWIP 2017 - 2017 International Conference on Watermarking and Image Processing;  ISBN-13: 9781450353076;  DOI: 10.1145/3150978.3150983

    [28] Li, Dongxue; Yu, Lejun; He, Jun;Sun, Bo; Ge, Fengxiang. Action recognition based on multiple key motion history images[C]// International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, v 0, p 993-996, March 13, 2017, ISBN-13:9781509013449, DOI: 10.1109/ICSP.2016.7877978, Article number: 7877978

    [29] Lejun Yu, Dongxue Li, Jun He, Fengxiang Ge,Bo Sun, Feng Dai. Improved Weighted Prediction Parameter Estimation for Advanced Video Coding Systems[C]// International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings, ICSP, p 905-908, March 13, 2017,  ISBN-13:9781509013449, DOI: 10.1109/ICSP.2016.7877961, Article number: 7877961.

    [30] Jun He, Dongliang Li, Bin Yang, Siming Cao, Bo Sun, Lejun Yu, Multi View Facial Action Unit Detection Based on CNN and BLSTM-RNN[C]// Joint Challenge on Dominant and Complementary Emotion Recognition Using Micro Emotion Features and Head-Pose Estimation, DCER and HPE 2017 and 3rd Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge, FERA 2017;  ISBN-13: 9781509040230;  DOI: 10.1109/FG.2017.108;  Article number: 7961831

    [31] Bo Sun, Bojie Rong, Jun He. Method of student identification through college classroom surveillance videos using deep learning features and label propagation[C]//Proc. SPIE 10462, AOPC 2017: Optical Sensing and Imaging Technology and Applications, 104622L (24 October 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2284886

    [32] Hu Xiaoyan, Xie Shunbo. Efficient and robust motion segmentation via adaptive similarity metric[C]// Proceedings of the 2017 Computer Graphics International Conference: 34:1-34:6

    [33] Bo Sun, Siming Cao, Liandong Li, Jun He, Lejun Yu. Exploring Multimodal Visual Features for Continuous Affect Recognition[C]// 2016 AVEC Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge, OCT 15-19th, 2016. Amsterdam, Holland. Pages 83-88

    [34] Bo Sun, Qinglan Wei, Liandong Li, Qihua Xu, Jun He, Lejun Yu. LSTM for Dynamic Emotion and Group Emotion Recognition in the Wild[C]// Proceedings of 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction,Nov.r 12-16th, 2016. Tokyo,Japan

    [35] Bo SUN,Liandong LI,Guoyan ZHOU, Xuewen WU, Jun HE, Lejun YU, Dongxue LI, Qinglan WEI. Combining multimodal features within a fusion network for emotion recognition in the wild[C]// Proceedings of 17th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction,November 9-12th, 2015. Seattle,USA, PP497-502

    [36] Bo Sun, Liandong Li, Tian Zuo, Ying Chen, Guoyan Zhou, Xuewen Wu. Combining Multimodal Features with Hierarchical Classifier Fusion for Emotion Recognition in the Wild[C]//Proceedings of 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. November 12-16th, 2014. Istanbul, Turkey.

    [37] Bo Sun; Siming Cao; Jun He and Lejun Yu. Face detection based on multiple kernel learning algorithm[C]// Proc. SPIE 9971, Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXIX, 997134(Sep. 28, 2016);doi:10.1117/12.2235837

    [38] Bo Sun; Qinglan Wei; Jun He; Lejun Yu and Xiaoming Zhu. BNU-LSVED: a multimodal spontaneous expression database in educational environment[C]// Proc. SPIE 9970, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing X, 997016(Sep. 14, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2235892

    [39] Bo Sun; Meng Guo; Jun He and Lejun Yu. Method of student identification in the context of college classroom[C]//Proc. SPIE 9970, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing X, 997012 (Sep. 14, 2016);doi:10.1117/12.2235675

    [40] Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He. Discriminative dictionary based representation and classification of image texture[C]//6th International Conference on Digital Image Processing, 2014.

    [41] Sun,B.,Chen,J.B.,Liu,Y.N., Students' emotion recognition from microblog[C]//2014 International Conference on Computer, Intelligent Computing and Education Technology (CICET 2014), March 27-28, 2014, HongKong.

    [42] Bo Sun, Yongna Liu, Jiubing Chen, Yang Lu. Research on Extraction of Expression Feature in Virtual Learning Environment[C]//The 18th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE 2014), Shanghai, China, May 26-30, 2014.

    [43] Bo Sun, Xuewen Wu, Jun He. Automatic target recognition using group-structured sparse representation[C]// SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.

    [44] He Jun,Sun Bo, Wu Xuewen, Chen Chao. Optimized Sparse Presentation-Based Classification With Position-Weighted Block Dictionary[C]// SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing 2014, Automatic Target Recognition XXIV, 2014.

    [45] Jun He,Bo Sun, Tian Zuo, Xuewen Wu, Lejun Yu, Fengxiang Ge. Sparse presentation-based classification with position-weighted block dictionary[C]// IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014, Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XII, v 9019, 2014, Article number: 90190X.


    [1] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Sun Bo, He Jun, Zhang Yinghui, Zhong Yangcai, Liu Yun; Patent name: "A Contraband Detection Method and System Based on Natural Guidance and Data Enhancement", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: 202210683874.6, Application date: June 17, 2022;

    [2] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: He Jun, Zhang Yinghui, Sun Bo, Yu Lejun, Peng Li; Patent name: "Automatic Prediction Method of Reading Comprehension Test Difficulty by Introducing Multiple Text Relations", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: 202110950774.9, Date of application: August 18, 2021;

    [3] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Zhang Yinghui, Sun Bo, Xiao Rong, Xiao Yongkang, Zheng Ruili, He Jun; Patent name: "Deep Knowledge Tracking Model Integrating Answer Record and question Semantics", China, Invention Patent, Patent No. : 2021111273766.3, Date of application: January 28, 2022;

    [4] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: He Jun, Sun Bo, Lu Sixu, Zhang Yinghui, Yu Lejun; Patent name: "Task-Interactive Intelligent Detection Method, System and Storage Media for Sustainable Learning", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: 202210240443.2, Application date: March 10, 2022;

    [5] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: He Jun, Zhang Yinghui, Sun Bo, Yu Lejun; Patent name: "Method and device for Previewing Laser Cleaning Effect", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: ZL2019105757724.1, Announcement date: June 1, 2021;

    [6] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Sun Bo, He Jun, Yu Lejun, Xu Chang; Patent name: "Method and Device for Generating Laser Cleaning Parameters", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: ZL201910575762.7, Announcement date: April 27, 2021;

    [7] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Sun Bo, He Jun, Yu Lejun, Zhang Di; Patent name: "A Face Detection Method and System Based on Forehead Region", China, Invention Patent, Patent No. : 201610607532.0, Date of authorization: March 18, 2019;

    [8] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Sun Bo, He Jun, Yu Lejun, Cao Siming; Patent name: "A Multi-modal Emotion Recognition and Classification Method", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: ZL201711144196.1; Authorization Announcement date: May 5, 2020;

    [9] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Yu Lejun, Sun Bo, He Jun, Ge Fengxiang, Huang Xiaofang; Patent name: "An Intra-frame Fast Coding Method and System", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: ZL2014 1 0073802.5, Date of Authorization: June 30, 2017;

    [10] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Sun Bo, He Jun, Liu Zhen, Ge Fengxiang, Hao Zhuo, Xu Qihua, "Sparse Representation Classification based Landslide and Debris Flow Area Detection Method", Patent number: ZL201510081296.9, November 7, 2017;

    [11] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: He Jun, Sun Bo, Wu Xuewen, Ge Fengxiang, Yu Lejun; Patent name: "Sparse Representation Object Recognition Method Based on Image Segmentation and Location Weighting", China, Invention Patent, Patent No. : ZL 201210581686.9, Date of authorization: May 18, 2016;

    [12] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: Xiao Rong, Sun Bo, He Jun, Xiao Yongkang, Hu Xiaoyan; Patent name: "An IPv6 Oriented Path MTU Discovery Method and System", China, Invention Patent, Patent No. : ZL 2009 1 0084026.8, Authorization date: May 23, 2012;

    [13] Applicant: Beijing Normal University; Inventors: He Jun, Hu Xiaoyan, Sun Bo, Yu Lejun, Zhang Xiyu; Patent name: "ATGP-VCA Projection Vector Acquisition Method", China, Invention Patent, Patent number: ZL 200910090193.3, Authorization date: December 21, 2011.

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