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Li Yuan

College of Education for the Future, BNU
Personal Profile
Li Yuan is a Professor at the College of Education for the Future at Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus. For the last 20 years, Professor Yuan has worked in the UK, including University of Cambridge, University of Bolton, University of Belfast, and Cetis (a National Innovation Support Centre for UK Higher Education), doing research on the impact of technology in education, supporting innovative use of digital technology in teaching and learning. She has led and been involved in a number of large technology enhanced learning and educational future projects in Europe, including,“TEL-Map”, “LACE” and “RAGE” etc. Her main research interests include Artificial Intelligence and Future Education, Learning Analytics and Educational Assessment, and Online/Blended Learning.
Research Field
AI in Education; Digital Education Policies and Strategies; Learning Analytics and Self-regulated learning/Collaborative Learning; Open Course and Blended Learning
Recruiting Master/PhD students
Supervise PhD/ Masters Students ,AI in Education; Digital Education policy and Strategies
  • Teaching Practice

    AI and Educational Development
    Practical Learning Analytics for Teachers
    Dialogical in Education
  • Research Projects

    [1] Research on international policy strategic of digital education, database and dynamic trends,Centre for Education Information Management, Ministry of Education,July 2022-July 2025;
    [2] Future Students Learning Experience (in collaboration with University of Manchester),Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC),January 2022-December 2022;
    [3] The Internet + International Education: Research on self-directed learning and collaborative learning in universities,Guangdong Province Educational Research programme,September 2021-September 2023;
    [4] AI and Future Education: research on key issues and teaching and learning innovation,National Foreign Expert Program ,September 2021-September 2023;
    [5] Impact Acceleration Accounts,“Ethical Principles for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Education”,Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC),January 2021-January 2022;
    [6] Horizon 2020,Realising an Applied Gaming Eco-system (RAGE),European Commission,2015-2018;
    [7] Open Educational Resources Project, “UK-China Collaborative Blended Learning Platform:Wolearn”,Joint Information Systems Committee(JISC),2013-2015;
    [8] Technology Enhanced Learning Programme,“Learning Analytics Community Exchange (LACE)”,European Commission,2014-2016;
    [9] Technology Enhanced Learning Programme,“Future gazing TEL:the roadmap for the unknown Learning landscape (TEL-Map)”,European Commission ,2010-2013;
    [10] Teaching development grants, “Research Repository for Teachers, ARRTS”,General Teaching Council North Ireland,December 2006-December2007;
  • Academic Achievements


    [1] Tore Hoel, Mengying Cao, Zhian Ming, Li Yuan, Explainable Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence Education: Ethical and Literacy Considerations, The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education, 2022. 4. 5-13

    [2] John Gardner,Michael O'Leary,Li Yuan,Artificial Intelligence in Educational Assessment: ‘Breakthrough? Or Buncombe and Bally-hoo?’. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2021. 37( 5), 1207– 1216.

    [3] Li Yuan, John Gardner, Mengying Cao, The Potential and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence Education Evaluation Application. Open Education Research, 2021.27(5), 4-14.

    [4] Li Yuan. Practice and Reflection on Blended Learning in British Universities in the post-COVID-19 Era. Construction of Higher Education System with Chinese Characteristics. Higher Education Press. 2021. 415-419.

    [5] Rupert Wegerif, Shu Zhang, Li Yuan , Shaping Future Education for Swarm Intelligence: An Important Research Topic. The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education. 2022. 1. 4-10.

    [6] Saveski, Grigorij & Westera, Wim & Yuan, Li & Hollins, P. & Fernán-dez-Manjón, Baltasar & Moreno Ger, Pablo & Stefanov, Krassen. What Se-rious Game Studios Want from ICT Research: Identifying Developers’ Needs, International Journal on Games and Learning Alliance, 2 016 vol 9599 (3),pp 32-41.

    [7] Hollins P. and Yuan L (2018), ‘Evaluating the efficacy of digital games to develop communication skills in an Arts environment’, Computer & Education, ISSN 0360-1315 (In Press) .

    [8] Powell, S., Oliver, B and Yuan, L ‘Handling Disruptive Innovations in HE: Lessons from Two Contrasting Case Studies’. Research in Learning Technology.

    [9] Yuan, L and Powell S (2015) ‘Partnership Model for Entrepreneurial Innovation in Open Online Learning’, eLearning Papers 41, http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/en/article/Innovation-entrepreneurship-and-education-In-Depth-41-3?paper=169497

    [10] Yuan, L and Powell S (2013) ‘MOOCs and disruptive innovation: Implications for higher education’, eLearning Papers 33, http://elearningeuropa.info/en/article/MOOCs-and-disruptive-innovation%3A-Implications-for-higher-education?paper=124335

    [11] Olivier, B and Yuan, L (2013), ‘Adaptive Roadmapping to Future Learning Landscapes’, Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning, https://itunes.apple.com/book/advances-in-technology-enhanced/id663022333?ls=1

    [12] Ma, H.L., Yuan, L., Powell, S and Fu, G.S. (2011)‘Developing online learning new models by integrating Western Open courses’, e-Education Research, 2011 (9).

    [13] Roberson, R.J and Yuan L (2011), ‘One Standard to Rule Them All?: Descriptive Choices for Open Education’, Open Education Research 2011 (04),  http://openedu.shtvu.edu.cn/frontsite/index.asp

    [14] Yuan, L, Xu P. and Wei Z. H. (2010), ‘Sustainability Issues on Developing Open Educational Resources’, Open Education Research 2010 (03), pp.80.

    [15] Yuan, L., Gardner, J and Cowan, P (2006).  ‘Examining trends in the use of computers in education in China from a Wood's national policy models perspective’, Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal 2. Dec, 2006.

    [16] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 4 – Issues arising from the evaluation, China Education Info, 1-2 66-68 (2006).

    [17] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 3 – Issues arising from the evaluation, China Education Info, 11 66-68 (2005).

    [18] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 2 - Programme implementation, China Education Info, 10 64-67 (2005).

    [19] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 1 - Overview of the New Opportunities Fund (NOF) programme, China Education Info, 9 60-65 (2005).

    [20] Yuan, L., Gardner, J and Cowan, P. (2005a) ‘ICT Policy and Future Schooling – from a Wood's ‘National Policy Models’ Perspective’, China Education info., 117 (8), pp. 60-66.

    [21] Yuan, L., Gardner, J and Cowan, P. (2005b) ‘NOF ICT training for teachers in UK: implications for the Chinese context (1)’, China Education info., 119 (9), pp. 64-68.


    Key notes

    [1] “Rethinking Digital Learning in Higher Education: Hybrid/Blended Learning at Post-Pandemic Universities”,International Education Conference of China Higher Education Council,2020.

    [2] “AI enabled Education & AI Education for all:
    Open Learning in AI Environment and AI Education and Training”, The Second World Conference on Artificial Intelligence,August 2019,Shanghai,

    [3] “Ethics in AI in Education”,The 7th CyberPsychology and Behavioral Seminar,October 2019, Wuhan.

    [4] “Learning in an Open World,” Asian and European Higher Education conference: ‘Self-learning in a digital era’. 2-4 November,  2015, Delhi, India,

    [5] "The Trend and Exploration of Education Internationalization in the Internet + Environment", Seminar on the Internationalization of Education in China, November 16-17, 2016, Qingdao.

    [6] “MOOCs and technology-enhanced learning: next steps and challenges”,Westminster Higher Education Forum Keynote Seminar,May 2015, London.

    [7] “Chinese EdTech trends and opportunities”, British Educational Suppliers Association conference, November 2019, London.  

    [8] “The concepts, models and trends in online learning”, British and Irish University and College Library Association Congress,June 2014, Dublin.

    [9] "Based on MOOCs, how to carry out Chinese-foreign cooperative Blended Learning?" The 15th China International Conference on Distance Education, December 1-2, 2016, Beijing.

    [10] "Open Online Learning: Trends in European Policy and Practice", Foreign Education Review Conference, Center for Educational Policy Research and Development, Ministry of Education, December 27-28, Beijing.

    [11] "MOOCs Perspective: Current Situation and Development Trend", MOOCs, Mobile learning and Micro-Courses, June 6-7, 2015, Chengdu.

    Academic Conferences

    [1] ‘Co-developing Ethical Principles for AI in Education’,The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2021, October 2021, US

    [2] ‘The “Watercooler” Applied Game’, The  Annual Learning Technology  conference 2018, Sep 2017,Liverpool.

    [3] ‘Learning Analtyics policies workshop’ The 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference at Vancouver, March, 2017

    [4] ‘Evolution or Revolution? The future of the European Games Based Learning Industry’, The 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL, Oct, 2016 ,Glasgow,

    [5] “Learning Analytics: seeking answers at a time of big questions?” ALT-C, Sep 2014, Warwick, UK

    [6] “New Strategies for Developing Open Online Courses in Institutions” The VI International GUIDE Conference , October 2013, Athens

    [7] “Adaptive Roadmapping to Future Learning Landscapes”, ALT-C, Sept 2012, Manchester

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