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章仪,北京师范大学珠海校区未来教育学院讲师。研究兴趣和方向为教育技术和教育心理学,对数字化资源设计、翻转课堂、合作学习中的同伴讨论等相关问题进行探究。研究内容包括使用眼动、脑电等技术探究数字化资源制作的原则;基于技术的不同教学方法如何改进课堂效果;合作学习中同伴讨论的成效受何影响,又如何干预等。近5年围绕教育教学,发表CSSCI/SSCI期刊论文近30篇,获第六届全国教育科学优秀成果奖二等奖、陕西省高等学校人文社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖。担任Computers & Education/ Education and Information Technologies/ Interactive Learning Environment等多个期刊的审稿人。
  • 教学实践

  • 研究项目

    [1] 2022年度华中师范大学优秀博士学位论文培育计划资助项目“教学视频中绘图策略对科学学习的影响”(编号:2022YBZZ023),主持,已结项;
    [2] 2021年至今,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“生成性学习策略影响视频学习的认知神经机制及智能干预研究”(编号:62177027),核心参与人,在研;
    [3] 2018年至2023年,参与国家自然科学基金资助面上项目“社会性交互对视频课程教与学影响的认知神经机制与应用研究”(编号:61877024),核心参与人,结项;
    [4] 2021年至今,面向课程教学实践的师范生信息化教学能力的培养与提升研究(2021-2026),华中师范大学2021年教师教育专项研究项目,核心参与人,在研;
    [5] 2019年至2020年,参与中国基础教育质量监测协同创新中心重大成果培育性项目“我国中小学互联网+教育状况调查”,核心参与人,已结项;
  • 学术成果


    [1] 杨九民, 章仪, 杨荣华, 皮忠玲*. (2023). 想象策略能促进多媒体的学习么?元分析的视角. 心理科学进展. (CSSCI)

    [2] 杨九民, 章仪, 徐珂, 皮忠玲*. (2021). 学习策略对视频学习的影响:想象、绘图和自我解释策略. 电化教育研究, 42(10), 40-47. (CSSCI)

    [3] 杨九民, 章仪, 李丽, 皮忠玲*. (2019). 教师引导行为与学习者先前知识水平对视频学习的交互影响. 中国电化教育, (7), 74-81. (CSSC)

    [4] 杨九民, 皮忠玲, 章仪, 徐珂, 喻邱晨, 黄勃*. (2020). 教学视频中教师目光作用:基于眼动的证据. 中国电化教育, (9), 22-29. (CSSCI)

    [5] 皮忠玲, 章仪, 杨九民*. (2019). 教师手势对视频学习的影响及其认知神经机制. 中国电化教育, (4), 103-129. (CSSCI)

    [6] Zhang, Y*., Schunn, D. C. (2023). Self-regulation of peer feedback quality aspects through different dimensions of experience within prior peer feedback assignments. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 74, 102210. (JCR Q1; IF: 10.3)

    [7] Zhang, Y., Xu, K., Pan, Y., Pi, Z.*, & Yang, J*. (2023). Effects of Segmentation and Drawing effects on video learning: A mediation analysis. Active Learning in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1177/14697874231180601 (JCR Q1; IF: 5.60)

    [8] Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Dai, C., & Pi, Z. (2024). Students’ strategy preference moderates effects of open or focused self-explanation prompts on learning from video lectures. Educational Technology & Society, 27(1), 84-99. (JCR Q1; IF: 4.020)

    [9] Zhang Y., Pi, Z.*, Chen, L., Zhang, X., & Yang, J*. (2021). Online peer assessment improves learners’ creativity: not only learners’ roles as an assessor or assessee, but also their behavioral sequence matter. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 42, 100950 (JCR: Q1; IF: 4.2)

    [10] Zhang Y., Xu, K., Pi, Z.*, & Yang, J*. (2022). Instructor’s position affects learning from video lectures in Chinese context: an eye-tracking study. Behaviour & Information Technology, 41(9), 1988-1997. (JCR: Q2; IF: 3.32)

    [11] Zhang Y., Dai C., Pi Z.*, & Yang, J.* (2023). Pre-class teacher feedback in the flipped classroom: Cognitive or praise feedback is better than mitigating feedback. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60(3), 357–367. (JCR: Q3; IF: 2.027)

    [12] Pi, Z.#, Zhang, Y.#, Zhou, W., Xu, K., Chen, Y., Yang, J.*, & Zhao, Q*. (2021). Learning by explaining to oneself and a peer enhances learners’ theta and alpha oscillations while watching video lectures. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(2), 659-679. (共同一作; JCR: Q1; IF: 6.6)

    [13] Pi Z.#, Zhang Y.#, Shi, D., Guo, X., & Yang, J*. (2022). Is self-explanation better than explaining to a fictitious student when learning from video lectures? British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(6), 2012-2028. (共同一作; JCR: Q1; IF: 5.268)

    [14] Pi, Z.#, Zhang, Y.#, Xu, K., Yang, J.* (2023). Does an outline of contents promote learning from videos? A study on learning performance and engagement. Education and Information Technologies, 28(3), 3493-3511. (共同一作; JCR: Q1; IF: 3.666)

    [15] Chen, H., Zhang, Y., Chen, W., Yu, Q., & Yang, J*. (2023). Does an instructor’s positive emotion facilitate learning from video lectures across different levels of content difficulty. Educational Psychology.

    [16] Pi, Z., Yu, Q. Zhang, Y., Chen, H., Li, Y., & Yang, J*. (2023). Presenting Points or Rank: The impacts of Leaderboard Elements on English Vocabulary Learning Through Video Lectures. Journal of Computer Assist Learning

    [17] Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Yu, Q. & Yang, J*. (2023). A familiar peer improves students’ behavior patterns, attention, and performance when learning from video lectures. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20, 47. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-023-00418-1

    [18] Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Qi, Y., & Yang, J*. (2023). Difficulty level moderates the effects of another's presence as spectator or co-actor on learning from video lectures. Educational Technology Research and Development https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-023-10256-7. (JCR: Q1; IF: 5.580).

    [19] Yang, J., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Yu, Q., & Pi, Z* .(2023). The teacher’s eye gaze in university classrooms: Evidence from a field study. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60(1), 4-14. (JCR: Q3; IF: 2.027)

    [20] Yang, J., Wu, C., Liu, C., Zhang, Y., & Pi, Z*. (2022). Personalization and pauses in speech: Children’s learning performance via instructional videos. Current Psychology, 1-11. (JCR: Q2; IF: 2.643)

    [21] Yang, J., Zhang, Y., Pi, Z.*, Xie, Y*. (2021). Students’ achievement motivation moderates the effects of interpolated pre-questions on attention and learning from video lectures. Learning and Individual Differences, 91, 102055. (JCR: Q1; IF: 3.897).

    [22] Pi, Z., Zhu, F., Zhang, Y., Chen, L., & Yang, J. (2022). Complexity of visual learning material moderates the effects of instructor's beat gestures and head nods in video lectures. Learning and Instruction, 77, 101520. (JCR: Q1; IF: 6.636)

    [23] Pi, Z., Zhu, F., Zhang, Y., Yang, J. (2021). An instructor’s beat gestures facilitate second language vocabulary learning from instructional videos: Behavioral and neural evidence. Language Teaching Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688211039023(JCR: Q1; IF: 3.401)

    [24] Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Yu, Q., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., & Zhao, Q. (2022). Neural oscillations and learning performance vary with an instructor's gestures and visual materials in video lectures. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(1), 93-113.(JCR: Q1; IF: 5.268)

    [25] Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhu, F., Chen, L., Guo, X., & Yang, J*. (2021). The mutual influence of an instructor’s eye gaze and facial expression in video lectures. Interactive Learning Environments, DOI: 10.1080/10494820.2021.1940213 (JCR: Q1; IF: 4.965)

    [26] Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhu, F., Xu, K., & Yang, J.*, Hu, W*. (2019). Instructors’ pointing gestures improve learning regardless of their use of directed gaze in video lectures. Computers & Education, 128, 345-352. (JCR: Q1; IF: 11.182)

    [27] Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Hu, W., & Yang, H. (2019). All roads lead to Rome: Instructors’ pointing and depictive gestures in video lectures promote learning through different patterns of attention allocation. The Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 43(4), 549–559. (JCR: Q2; IF: 4.019)

    [28] Pi, Z., Zhang, Y., Liu, C., Zhou, W., & Yang, J*. (2023). Generative learning supports learning from video lectures: evidence from an EEG study. Instructional Science, 51, 231–249. (JCR: Q3; IF: 3.282)


    [1] Zhang, Y., Gu, L., Pi, Z., & Yang, J. (2020). Feedback is not always better: Interpolating question before learning but no feedback in video lectures facilitating students’ performance. The 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, (pp. 711-715).

    [2] Zhang, Y., Pi, Z., & Yang, J. (2020). What type of inserting questions would you prefer in video lectures: the questions inserted before learning, after learning or continuously? The 23th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, (pp. pp. 273-277).

    [3] Zhang, Y., Guo, X., Pi, Z., & Yang, J. (2021, December). Learning by Drawing in STEM: A Meta-Analysis. In 2021 Tenth International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT) (pp. 83-87). IEEE. (EI检索)

    [4] Yang R., Zhang, Y., Liu, Y., & Yang, J. (2022). Effects of practice on software training video for college students. The 4th International Conference on Computer Science and Technologies in Education. (EI检索)

    [5] 李妍,陈辉,章仪,杨九民. (2021). 生成性学习策略对视频课程学习的影响研究--以解释策略和体感学习策略为例. 第二十届教育技术国际论坛.(最佳论文)
