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  • 教学实践

  • 研究项目

    [1] 国家外专项目,国家级,人工智能和未来教育前沿问题研究与教学改革探索,2021-09至2022-08, 在研,参与;
    [2] 广东省教育科学规划课题,厅级,互联网+国际教育:高校学生自主性学习和新型能力培养的研究,2021-09至2023-08, 在研,参与;
    [3] 珠海市高端学术交流资助项目,市级,2022年大湾区智能教育国际大会 ——“以人为本”的未来智能教育,2022-09至2023-09, 在研,参与;
    [4] 北京师范大学2022年青年教师教学发展基金项目,校级,基于实战理念的“数学建模”课程教学模式探究与改革,2022-2023,主持;
  • 学术成果


    [1] 杰勒米·诺克斯,崔新,金俞,孙波.大数据、人工智能与未来学习[J].中国教育信息化,2022,28(02):5-12.;

    [2] 马克·约翰逊,金俞,崔新,孙波.人工智能与未来教育评价[J].中国教育信息化,2022,28(07):3-9.;

    [3] Jin Y#, Sha S, Cheung T, Su ZH, Xiang YT*. 2022. Network comorbidity between depression and anxiety among clinicians in public hospitals during the late stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in China. Journal of Affective Disorders.;

    [4] Jin Y, Sun HL, Lam SC, Su ZH, Hall B, Cheung T*, Qin MZ, Ng Chee, Xiang YT*. 2021.Network analysis of depressive symptoms among older adults in Hong Kong during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Biological Sciences.;

    [5] Cheung T#, Jin Y#, Liu R, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Lan S, Su ZH, Hall B, Xiang YT*. 2021. Network analysis of depressive symptoms in Hong Kong residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Translational Psychiatry.;

    [6] Jin Y#, Li Y#, Li XY, Zhao YJ, Cheung T, Ungvari G, Li M, An FR, Xiang YT*. 2021. Prevalence of fatigue and its association with quality of life among frontline clinicians in ophthalmology or otolaryngology departments during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry.;

    [7] Zhao YJ#, Jin Y#, Zhang Q, Su ZH, Cheung T., Zheng, W, Ng CH., Xiang YT*. 2022. Considerations before the Decision-Making Including Fluvoxamine as a Treatment Option in Guidelines on the Management of COVID-19. Psychol Med. Viewpoint;

    [8] Bai W#, Cai H#, Jin Y#, Zhang Q, Xiang YT*. 2021.COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in community-dwelling and hospitalized patients with severe mental illness. Psychological Medicine. Viewpoint;

    [9] Cai H#, Chen P#, Jin Y#, Zhang Q, Cheung T, Chee Ng, Xiang YT*. 2021. Prevalence of sleep disturbances in children and adolescents during COVID-19 pandemic: a meta-analysis and systematic review of epidemiological surveys. (Under review);

    [10] Zhang X#, Li W#, Zhao N#, Jin Y#, Cheung T, Ungvari G, Cui XL, Wang G, Xiang YT*. 2021. Comparing the self-and external assessment versions of the HCL-33 as screening instruments for bipolar disorder in older depressed patients. Frontiers in Psychiatry.;

    [11] Zhao YJ#, Jin Y#, Rao W#, Li W, Zhao N, Cheung T, Chee H, Wang YY, Zhang Q, Xiang YT*. 2021. The prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities during the SARS and COVID-19 epidemics: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Journal of Affective Disorders.;

    [12] Cai H#, Jin Y#, Liu S#, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Cheung T, Loyd B, Xiang YT*. 2021.Prevalence of suicidal ideation and planning in patients with major depressive disorder: a meta-analysis of observation studies. Journal of Affective Disorders.;

    [13]  Liu ZH, Jin Y#, Rao W#, Zhang Q, Zhang J, Todd J, Su ZH, Xiang YT*. 2021. The prevalence of painful physical symptoms in major depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry.;

    [14]  Jin Y#, Zhang Y#, Zhang Q#, Rao W#, Zhang L, Cui L, Li L, Li KQ, Xiang YT*. 2021. Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of poor mental health among older adults in agricultural area of China. Frontiers in Psychiatry. (Doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.549148);

    [15]  Xiang YT# *, Li W#, Zhang Q#, Jin Y#, Rao W#, Zeng N#, Lok G, Chow I, Cheung T, Hall B. 2020. Timely research papers about COVID-19 in China. The Lancet. Viewpoint;

    [16]  Xiang YT# *, Jin Y#, Cheung T. 2020. Joint International collaboration to combat the mental health challenges during the COVID-19 epidemic. JAMA Psychiatry. Viewpoint;

    [17]  Xiang YT# *, Jin Y#, Wang Y#, Zhang Q, Zhang L, Cheung T. 2020. Tribute to health workers in China: a group of respectable population during the outbreak of the COVID-19. International Journal of Biological Sciences. (Doi: 10.7150/ijbs.45135);

    [18]  Zhang Y#, Jin Y#, Rao W#, Cui LJ, Li JF, Li L, Ungvari G, Hall B, Li KQ, Xiang YT*. 2020. Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of major depressive disorder in older adults in Hebei province, China. Journal of Affective Disorders. (Doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2019.11.096);

    [19]  Zhang Y#, Jin Y#, Rao W#, Cui LJ, Li JF, Li L, Ungvari G, Li KQ, Xiang YT*. 2020. Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of poor sleep quality among older adults in Hebei province, China. Scientific Reports. (Doi:10.1038/s41598-020-68997-x);

    [20]  Xiang YT#, Jin Y#, Li L#, Ng CH, Lu L. 2019. An overview of the expert consensus on the prevention and treatment of gaming disorder in China. Neuroscience Bulletin. (Doi: 10.1007/s12264-020-00475-w);

    [21]  Chen X#, Wang D#, Lin J, Zhang T, Deng S, Huang L, Jin Y, Chen C, Zhang Z, Zheng J, Sun B, Bogdan P, Zhang XD*. 2019. Analyzing complexity and fractality of glucose dynamics in a pregnant woman with type 2 diabetes under treatment. International Journal of Biological Sciences. (Doi: 10.7150/ijbs.33825);

    [22]  Dong X#, Chen C#, Geng Q, Cao Z, Chen X, Lin J, Jin Y, Shi Y, Zhang XD*. 2019. An improved method of handling missing values in the analysis of sample entropy for continuous monitoring of physiological signals. Entropy. (Doi: 10.3390/e21030274);

    [23]  Wang Y#, Jin Y#, Chen C#, Zheng W, Wang S, Zhang XHD, Jia FJ, Xiang YT*. 2018. Meta-analysis of adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy in patients with HIV infection in China. Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. (Doi: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1554238);

    [24]  Sun S#, Jin Y#, Chen C, Zheng J, Shi Y*, Zhang XD*. 2018. Entropy change of biological dynamics in asthmatic patients and its diagnostic value in individualized treatment: a systematic review. Entropy. (Doi:10.3390/e20060402);

    [25]  Jin Y#, Chen C#, Sun S, Shi Y, Zhang XHD*. 2017. Entropy change of biological dynamics in COPD. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. (Doi: 10.2147/COPD.S140636);

    [26]  Chen C#, Jin Y#, Zheng J, Zhang XHD*. 2017. Complexity change in cardiovascular diseases. International Journal of Biological Sciences. (Doi: 10.7150/ijbs.19462);


    [1]  IEEE生物信息学与生物医学国际会议 (BIBM) ,汇报项目:基于非线性分析和机器学习算法构建COPD的急性加重期预测模型;

    [2]  第八届全国生物信息学和系统生物学大会暨第一届澳门生物信息学研讨会,汇报项目:基于生理参数信号的COPD急性加重期预测模型;

    [3]  中华医学会第十八次全国精神医学大会重大突发公共卫生事件与精神病学,汇报项目:COVID-19期间眼科、耳鼻喉科临床医生的疲惫患病率及其与生活质量的关系;

    [4]  第十二届粤港澳双相障碍论坛暨第四届国际情感与脑科学高峰论坛,汇报项目:新冠疫情期间香港居民抑郁症状调查: 一项基于网络分析的研究;
