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Steven Watson

British Society for Research into Learning Math- ematics (BSRLM); British Education Research Association (BERA); European Society for Rese- arch in Mathematics Education (ERME); Europe- an Sociological Association (ESA)
His research and scholarship is interdisciplinary and is concerned with very practical and real issues in and around education but involves a level of abstraction in order to comprehend and explains these issues in a more general scientific way. The range of practical aspects that He have been involved include the professional learning of teachers, the role of social media, populism and science in influencing education policy in England and Australia. More recently on the integration of chatGPT in education.
  • 学术成果


    [1] Marschall, G., Watson, S., Major, L., & Kimber E. (In review). A phenomenological study of a novice mathematics teacher’s instructional decision making.

    [2] Watson, S. (2023). A educação matemática como um sistema da sociedade. Revista de Educação Matemática (REMat).

    [3] Barnes, N., & Watson, S. (2022). The moral positioning of education policy publics: how social media is used to wedge an issue. Critical Studies in Education.  DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2022.2153372

    [4] Marschall, G., & Watson, S. (2022). Teacher self-efficacy as an aspect of narrative self-schemata. Teaching and Teacher Education, 109, 103568.

    [5] Watson, S., & Barnes, N. (2021). Online educational populism and New Right 2.0 in Australia and England. Globalisation, Societies and Education 1–13.

    [6] Watson, S. (2021). New Right 2.0: Teacher populism on social media in England. British Educational Research Journal. 47(2), 299–315.

    [7] Watson, S. (2020). George Spencer-Brown’s laws of form fifty years on: Why we should be giving it more attention in mathematics education. Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal Online, 12(2), 161–187.

    [8] Watson, S., & Marschall, G. (2019). How a trainee mathematics teacher develops teacher self-efficacy. Teacher Development, 23(4), 469-487.

    [9] Watson, S. (2019). The politics of ability and online culture wars. FORUM, 61(1), 67–75.

    [10] Major, L., & Watson, S. (2018). Using video to support in-service teacher professional development: The state of the field, limitations and possibilities. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 27(1), 49–68.



    [1] Watson, S., Romic, J., & Lien, V., (2023) ChatGPT与社会、教育和技术的纠缠进化:系统理论视角. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16108.13448

    [2] Watson, S., (2023). ChatGPT and the Entangled Evolution of Society, Education, and Technology: A Systems Theory Perspective. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19272.39689

    [3] Watson, S., (2022). Scientific communication in educational policymaking: the case of new right think tanks in England and Australia., DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32036.14728

    [4] Watson, S., (2022). Organisations of legitimacy: new right think tanks in England and Australia.

    [5] Watson, S. (2022). Toward a systems theory approach to mathematics education. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30987.57124

    [6] Watson, S. (2022). Scholar-activism: knowledge, populism, politics and society. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17565.79844

    Book Chapters

    [1] Watson, S. (forthcoming). Toward a Systems Theory Approach to Mathematics Education. In Ongoing advancements in the philosophy of mathematics education. Springer.

    [2] Bamber, S., & Watson, S. (forthcoming). Teaching the lesson. In S. Morgan, D. Swanson & R. Archer (Eds.) A practical guide to mentoring beginning mathematics teachers. Routledge

    [3] Watson, S., Dawes, M., & Marschall, G. (forthcoming). The role of mentoring when learning through experience. In S. Morgan, D. Swanson & R. Archer (Eds.) A practical guide to mentoring beginning mathematics teachers. Routledge

    [4] Watson, S. (2018). Educating the working class. In I. Gilbert (Ed.), The working class, poverty, education and alternative voices (pp. 14–29). London: Bloomsbury.

    [5] Watson, S. (2017). A manifesto for control: democracy, scholarship, activism and solidarity. In L. Rycroft-Smith & J.-L. Dutaut (Eds.), Flip the system UK: a teachers’ manifesto (pp. 68–75). London: Routledge.

    [6] Watson, S., & Dawes, M. (2016). Learning mathematics: a cognitive focus. In S. Johnston-Wilder, C. Lee, & D. Pimm (Eds.), Learning to teach mathematics in the secondary school: a companion to school experience (4th ed.) (pp. 32-51). Routledge: London

    [7] Watson, S., & Crawford, M. (2016). Connecting leadership, professional development and affect. In B. Apelgren, P. Burnard, & N. Carbaroglu (Eds.), Transformative teacher research: theory and practice for the twenty-first century (pp. 73-86). Sense Publishers.


    [1] Marschall, G., & Watson, S. (2019). Social Cognitive Theory as an integrated theory of mathematics teachers’ professional learning. Presented at the Conference of the International Group of Psychology in Mathematics Education (PME-43), University of Pretoria.

    [2] Watson, S. (2019). Revisiting teacher decision making in the mathematics classroom: a multidisciplinary approach. Presented at the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME-11), Utrecht University.

    [3] Watson, S. (2019). Bridging theory and practice: a posthuman perspective on mathematics teacher education. Presented at the 15th International Conference of The Mathematics Education for the Future Project, Theory and Practice: An Interface or A Great Divide?, Maynooth University, Kildare, Ireland.

    [4] Major, L., Watson, S., & Kimber, E. (2016). Teacher change in post-16 mathematics: a multiple case analysis of teachers in the Zone of Enactment. Presented at the 13th International Congress on Mathematics (ICME-13), Hamburg, July 2016.

    [5] Major, L., Watson, S., & Kimber, E. (2015). Developing instructional and pedagogical design for the Cambridge Mathematics Education Project: A Design-based research approach. In Adams, G. (Ed.) Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSLRM) 35(2). BSRLM Day Conference, University of Durham.

    [6] Watson, S. (2014). The impact of professional development on the teaching of problem-solving. Proceedings of the 8th British Congress on Mathematics Education. University of Nottingham.

    [7] Nardi, E., Biza, I. & Watson S. (2014).  What makes a claim an acceptable mathematical argument in the secondary classroom? A preliminary analysis of teachers’ warrants in the context of an Algebra Task. Proceedings of the 8th British Congress on Mathematics Education. University of Nottingham.

    [8] Watson, S. (2013). Understanding mathematics teachers’ professional development from the perspective of social learning theory. In: B. Ubuz, C. Haser, & M. A. Mariotti (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME-8), Antalya, Turkey  (pp.  3287-3295). Ankara: Turkey

    [9] Watson, S. (2012). The effects of professional development on teaching self-efficacy. In: The proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Mathematics Education, Seoul, South Korea.

    [10] Watson, S. (2012). Developing teaching efficacy for inquiry-based learning. The Fibonacci Project European Conference Inquiry Based Scienceand Mathematics Education: Bridging the gap between education research and practice, University of Leicester.

    [11] Watson, S., & Evans, S. (2012). Observing changes in teachers' practice as a consequence of taking part in professional development: developing a protocol for the observation of lessons In: C. Smith (Ed.), Informal proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning of Mathematics, University of Sussex.

    [12] Swan, M. & Watson, S. (2011). Designing professional development for mathematics teachers: A case study. In: Ubuz, B, (Ed.) Proceedings of the 35th Conference of the International Group for Psychology of Mathematics Education, vol 1. p. 414.

    [13] Watson, S. (2011). The influence of teaching efficacy and professional life-stage on secondary mathematics teachers' use of problem-solving in their teaching In: C. Smith (Ed.), Informal proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning of Mathematics, University of Oxford.
