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袁莉, 北京师范大学(珠海校区)未来教育学院教授。主要研究方向包括:人工智能和未来教育, 学习分析和教育评估以及在线开放合作混合课程和教学。在过去的二十多年里, 一直在英国和欧盟从事教育技术和在线学习的政策与实践的研究和创新。曾就职于英国教育技术与标准中心(Cetis)、英国剑桥大学和博尔顿大学等机构。策划和实施了英国高校的在线学习创新项目、开放教育资源项目和智慧校园项目等,并参与了多项欧盟委员会资助的教育技术创新项目,如“TEL-Map”, “LACE” and “RAGE” 等等,与欧洲各国研究团队合作对技术促进未来教育,学习分析和应用游戏等方面进行了深入的研究和实践。
  • 教学实践

  • 研究项目

    [1] 人工智能教育政策、理论与实践全球观察与研究,国家级外专项目, 2022年9月-2024年9月;
    [2] 教育部教育管理信息中心委托项目,国外教育数字化战略行动研究及其教育态势感知数据库建设,2022年7月-2025年7月;
    [3] 英国高教委员会,关于“未来学生学习经历”的研究(与英国曼切斯特城市大学的合作项目), 2022年1月-2022年12月;
    [4] 互联网+国际教育:高校学生自主性学习和新型能力培养的研究, 广东省教育科研项目 , 2021年9月- 2023年9月;
    [5] 人工智能和未来教育前沿问题研究与教学改革探索,国家外专项目,2021年9月-2023年9月;
    [6] 英国经济和社会研究基金委员会 (ESRC),Impact Acceleration Accounts,“Ethical Principles for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Education”, 2021年1月-2022年1月;
    [7] 欧盟委员会, Horizon 2020, “实现应用游戏生态系统”,€ 899,994,250, 2015年-2018年;
    [8] 英国信息联合委员会/JISC,开放教育资源项目, “中英合作混合教学/Wolearn”, 2013年-2015年;
    [9] 欧盟委员会, Technology Enhanced Learning Programme,“学习分析技术社团交流” ,2014年-2016年;
    [10] 欧盟委员会,Technology Enhanced Learning Programme,“技术支持学习-未来导航图”,2010年-2013年;
    [11] 北爱尔兰教师委员会,Teaching development grants, “Research Repository for Teachers, ARRTS”, 2006年12月-2007年12月;
  • 学术成果


    [1] 张扬, 张舒, 袁莉, 教育2122:百年愿景和实施路径——未来智能教育国际论坛综述《中国教育信息化》. 2022. 12. 3 - 10;

    [2] Knox, J., Hoel, T., & Yuan, L. (2022). ‘From principles to processes’: Lessons for higher education from the development of AI ethics. In F. A. Menéndez, A. M. Machado, C. L. Esteban, & C. A. López (Eds.), Strategy, Policy, Practice, and Governance for AI in Higher Education Institutions (pp. 101-125). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-9247-2.ch005

    [3] 祝智庭, 孙梦, 袁莉(2022). 让理念照进现实:教育数字化转型框架设计及成熟度模型构建,现代远程教育研究,2022,34(6),3-11;

    [4] Tore Hoel、曹梦莹、明芷安、袁 莉 (2022). 可解释人工智能的教育视角基于伦理和素养的思考, 《中国教育信息化》. 2022. 4. 5-13;

    [5] 袁莉 (2022) 预测不确定性与创造力培养:人机协同的未来教育评价,《中国教育信息化》2022. 7. 3-3;

    [6] 袁莉 (2022) 智能环境下以学习者为中心的学习分析院潜力和挑战,《中国教育信息化》2022. 3. 3-3;

    [7] 袁莉 (2022) 学习平台化和行为数据化 - 要要警惕智能教育中机器行为主义的回归,《中国教育信息化》2022. 2. 2-3;

    [8] Rupert Wegerif, 张舒, 袁莉 (2022), 面向群体智能塑造未来教育:一项重要研究课题. 《中国教育信息化》. 2022. 1. 4-10;

    [9] John Gardner,Michael O'Leary,Li Yuan (2021),Artificial intelligence in educational assessment: ‘Breakthrough? Or buncombe and bally-hoo?’. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2021. 37( 5), 1207– 1216.;

    [10] 袁莉, John Gardner, 曹梦莹 (2021),人工智能教育评估应用的潜力和局限. 《开放教育研究》.2021.27(5).4-14;

    [11] 袁莉(2021),后疫情时期英国大学混合教学的实践与思考. 《中国特色高等教育体系建设》. 高等教育出版社。2021. 415-419;

    [12] Saveski, Grigorij & Westera, Wim & Yuan, Li & Hollins, P. & Fernán-dez-Manjón, Baltasar & Moreno Ger, Pablo & Stefanov, Krassen (2016). What Se-rious Game Studios Want from ICT Research: Identifying Developers’ Needs, International Journal on Games and Learning Alliance, 2 016 vol 9599 (3),pp 32-41;

    [13] Hollins P. and Yuan L (2018), ‘Evaluating the efficacy of digital games to develop communication skills in an Arts environment’, Computer & Education, ISSN 0360-1315 (In Press);

    [14] Powell S., Olivier B., & Yuan L. (2015). Handling disruptive innovations in HE: lessons from two contrasting case studies. Research in Learning Technology, 23. https://doi.org/10.3402/rlt.v23.22494

    [15] Yuan, L and Powell S (2015) ‘Partnership Model for Entrepreneurial Innovation in Open Online Learning’, eLearning Papers 41, http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/en/article/Innovation-entrepreneurship-and-education-In-Depth-41-3?paper=169497

    [16] Yuan, L and Powell S (2013) ‘MOOCs and disruptive innovation: Implications for higher education’, eLearning Papers 33, http://elearningeuropa.info/en/article/MOOCs-and-disruptive-innovation%3A-Implications-for-higher-education?paper=124335

    [17] Olivier, B and Yuan, L (2013), ‘Adaptive Roadmapping to Future Learning Landscapes’, Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning, https://itunes.apple.com/book/advances-in-technology-enhanced/id663022333?ls=1

    [18] Ma, H.L., Yuan, L., Powell, S and Fu, G.S. (2011), ‘Developing online learning new models by integrating Western Open courses’, e-Education Research, 2011 (9);

    [19] Roberson, R.J and Yuan L (2011), ‘One Standard to Rule Them All?: Descriptive Choices for Open Education’, Open Education Research 2011 (04),  http://openedu.shtvu.edu.cn/frontsite/index.asp

    [20] Yuan, L, Xu P. and Wei Z. H. (2010), ‘Sustainability Issues on Developing Open Educational Resources’, Open Education Research 2010 (03), pp.80;

    [21] Yuan, L., Gardner, J and Cowan, P (2006).  ‘Examining trends in the use of computers in education in China from a Wood's national policy models perspective’, Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal 2. Dec, 2006;

    [22] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 4 – Issues arising from the evaluation, China Education Info, 1-2 66-68 (2006);

    [23] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 3 – Issues arising from the evaluation, China Education Info, 11 66-68 (2005);

    [24] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 2 - Programme implementation, China Education Info, 10 64-67 (2005);

    [25] Yuan, L., Gardner, J. and Cowan, P. NOF ICT training for teachers in the UK: implications for the Chinese context: 1 - Overview of the New Opportunities Fund (NOF) programme, China Education Info, 9 60-65 (2005);

    [26] Yuan, L., Gardner, J and Cowan, P. (2005a) ‘ICT Policy and Future Schooling – from a Wood's ‘National Policy Models’ Perspective’, China Education info., 117 (8), pp. 60-66;

    [27] Yuan, L., Gardner, J and Cowan, P. (2005b) ‘NOF ICT training for teachers in UK: implications for the Chinese context (1)’, China Education info., 119 (9), pp. 64-68.;



    [1] Jeremy Knox, Tore Hoel, Li Yuan, ‘From principles to processes’: Lessons for higher education from the development of AI ethics in Strategy, Policy, Practice, and Governance for AI in Higher Education Institutions,IGI Global, 2022

    [2] 马洪亮, 袁莉, 人人都能上名校:开放世界中的教与学, 北京交通大学出版社,2015

    [3] Bill Olivier, Li Yuan., Adaptive Roadmapping to Future Learning Landscapes, in Advances in Technology Enhanced Learning, https://itunes.apple.com/book/advances-in-technology-nhanced/id663022333?ls=1 2013(2013)


    [1] UNESCO IITE (2020) Online and Open Education in Shanghai: Emergency Response and Innovative Practice during COVID-19 Pandemic;

    [2] Yuan, L. (2019) ‘State of the art - the Intelligent Campus in China’, https://intelligentcampus.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2019/09/02/state-of-the-art-the-intelligent-campus-in-china/

    [3] Yuan, L., Powell, S and Olivier. B. (2014) ‘Beyond MOOCs: Sustainable Online Learning in Institutions’, http://publications.cetis.ac.uk/2014/898

    [4] Yuan, L., Powell, S., (2013) ‘MOOCs and Open Education: Implications for Higher Education’, http://publications.cetis.co.u/2013/667

    [5] Yuan L. (2012), ‘Trends in Analytics in Businesses and Implications for Education’, http://publications.cetis.ac.uk/

    [6] Kraan W. and Yuan L. (2011) ‘Cloud Computing in Institutions’, http://publications.cetis.ac.uk/

    [7] Yuan L. and Barker P. (2011) ‘JISC Observatory Technology Forecast Literature Review’, http://publications.cetis.ac.uk/

    [8] Yuan L., Wilson S., Cooper A. and Campbell L. M. (2010) ‘The Future of Interoperability Standards in Education – System and Process’,  http://publications.cetis.ac.uk/

    [9] Yuan L; McNeill S and Kraan W. (2007) ‘Open Educational Resources – Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education’. http://jisc.cetis.ac.uk/topic/oer



    [1] “Rethinking Digital Learning in Higher Education: Hybrid/Blended Learning at Post-Pandemic Universities”,中国高等教育委员国际教育大会, 2020.;

    [2] “AI enabled Education & AI Education for all”,人工智能环境下的开放学习和人工智能的教育和培训”, 第二届世界人工智能大会, 2019年8月, 上海;

    [3] “Ethics in AI in Education”,人工智能教育中的伦理问题“ The 7th CyberPsychology and Behavioral Seminar”,2019年10月, 武汉;

    [4] “Learning in an Open World,” Asian and European Higher Education conference: ‘Self-learning in a digital era’. 2-4 November,  2015, Delhi, India;

    [5] “互联网+环境下教育国际化趋势与探索”,中国教育国际化研讨会 , 2016年11月16-17日, 青岛;

    [6] “MOOCs and technology-enhanced learning: next steps and challenges”,英国议会高等教育论坛,“Westminster Higher Education Forum Keynote Seminar”,2015 年5月, 伦敦;

    [7] “Chinese EdTech trends and opportunities”, British Educational Suppliers Association conference, 2019, 11月,伦敦;

    [8] “The concepts, models and trends in online learning” 英国和爱尔兰大学和学院图书馆协会大会, 2014年6月, 都柏林;

    [9] “基于MOOCs, 如何开展中外合作混合教学?”第十五届中国国际远程教育大会,2016年12月1-2日, 北京;

    [10] “开放在线学习:欧洲政策与实践的发展趋势”,教育部教育政策研究发展研究中心国外教育形势研判会 12月27-28日, 北京;

    [11] “MOOCs 透视:现状和发展趋势”,MOOCs,Mobile learning and Micro-Courses, 2015年, 6月6-7日  成都;


    [1] ‘Co-developing Ethical Principles for AI in Education’,The Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) 2021, October 2021, US;

    [2] ‘The “Watercooler” Applied Game’, The  Annual Learning Technology  conference 2018, Sep 2017,Liverpool.;

    [3] ‘Learning Analtyics policies workshop’ The 7th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference at Vancouver, March, 2017;

    [4] ‘Evolution or Revolution? The future of the European Games Based Learning Industry’, The 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning ECGBL, Oct, 2016 ,Glasgow;

    [5] “Learning Analytics: seeking answers at a time of big questions?” ALT-C, Sep 2014, Warwick, UK;

    [6] “New Strategies for Developing Open Online Courses in Institutions” The VI International GUIDE Conference , October 2013, Athens;

    [7] “Adaptive Roadmapping to Future Learning Landscapes”, ALT-C, Sept 2012, Manchester;
