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Jeremy Knox

the Department of Education at the University of Oxford
Jeremy joined the Department of Education at the University of Oxford in 2023 as an Associate Professor in Digital Education. Previous to this role, he was Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh where he served as co-director of the Centre for Research in Digital Education. Jeremy’s research interests are focused on the relationships between education, data-driven technologies and wider society, and he has led projects funded by the ESRC and the British Council in the UK. His published books include Posthumanism and the Massive Open Online Course (2016), Artificial Intelligence and Inclusive Education (2019), The Manifesto for Teaching Online (2020), Data Justice and the Right to the City (2022), and AI and Education in China (2023). Jeremy obtained his PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 2014, receiving a scholarship award from the ESRC. He is also a co-convenor of the Digital University network at the Society for Research in Higher Education. Jeremy teaches on the Digital and Social Change pathway of the MSc in Education.
Digital (Higher) Education
Critical data studies/algorithm atudies
Critical posthumansim, new materialism, spatial and mobilities theory
Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Massive open Online Courses (MOOCs)
  • 研究项目

    [1] Principal investigator;
    [2] Lecture Recording for Inclusive Education;
    [3] Edinburgh Pulse - Internet of Things technology for the 'smart' campus
  • 学术成果


    [1] April 2018, Learnification 2.0: from student- to machine-centred higher education, Analytics: The Datafication of Higher Education and Work, Data Citizenship seminar series, The University of Edinburgh

    [2] May 2017, MOOCs and making knowledge mobile: E-learning and Digital Cultures on Coursera and Wolearn, 6th BNU / UCL IOE International Conference in Education: Education and Mobilities: Ideas, People and Technologies, Beijing Normal University

    [3] March 2017, Playing with educational data: The Learning Analytics Report Card (LARC), Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK17), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.

    [4] September 2016, New materialism and social justice: a space for productive entanglement, or a political cul-de-sac?, New Materialism Conference 2016, Warsaw, Poland

    [5] August 2016, Playing with educational data: the Learning Analytics Report Card (LARC), Critical data studies track at the 2016 4S/EASST Annual Conference, Barcelona, Spain

    [6] April 2016, Open education: developing a critical approach, OER16: Open Culture, University of Edinburgh, UK

    [7] April 2016, “Where does this work belong?” New Digital Approaches to Evaluating Engagement with Art, Museums and the Web 2016, Los Angeles, USA

    [8] February 2015, Posthumanism and the global education of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Thinking Through Deleuze: Nomadic Subjects, Global Citizenship and Posthumanism, Brock University, Ontario

    [9] April 2014, The Global Institution, the Homely, and the Overwhelming: (per)forming three MOOC spaces, Ninth International Conference on Networked Learning 2014

    [10] October 2013, The Forum, The Sardine Can and the Fake: contesting, adapting and practicing the Massive Open Online Course, Association of Internet Research (AoIR) 14.0 conference, Denver USA

    [11] June 2013, Theorising Open Technologies: concealments and exposures, Research, Work and Learning, 8th International Conference, University of Stirling

    [12] May 2013, Platform Games: Playing with the boundaries of data collection in the MOOC, Day of Ideas, Digital HSS, University of Edinburgh

    [13] April 2013, Activism and the academy: assembling knowledge for social justice, SRHE and HERG event: Higher Education as if the World Mattered, University of Edinburgh

    [14] April 2013, Building communities in a MOOC, Panel member at Coursera Partners Conference, University of Pennsylvania

    [15] December 2012, MOOCing around with learning spaces, Ignite talk at Digital Methods as Mainstream Methodology, NCRM, British Library, London

    [16] October 2012, MOOCing around with learning spaces, Ignite talk at the Association of Internet Research (AoIR) 13.0 conference, University of Salford

    [17] June 2012, Three critiques of the Open Educational Resources movement, Losing Momentum? Current challenges in learning and technology conference, University of Oxford.

    [18] June 2011, Deferral and Difference in a Posthuman Pedagogy, 4th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Copenhagen Business School


    [1] Understanding digital inequality: A theoretical kaleidoscope(39 pages)  23 Mar 2023 In: Postdigital Science and Education, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-023-00395-8

    [2] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (E-pub ahead of print)(Re)politicising data-driven education: from ethical principles to radical participation21 Dec 2022 In: Learning, Media and Technology, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/17439884.2022.2158466

    [3] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (E-pub ahead of print), Data justice and the right to the city: An introduction30 Sep 2022

    [4] Research output: › Chapter (peer-reviewed) (Published), Data justice and the right to the city(256 pages)  30 Sep 2022

    [5] Research output: › Book (Published), ‘From principles to processes’: Lessons for higher education from the development of AI ethics(25 pages)  27 May 2022, DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-9247-2.ch005

    [6] Research output: › Chapter (peer-reviewed) (Published), Postdigital research: Genealogies, challenges, and future perspectives28 Mar 2022 In: Postdigital Science and Education, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-022-00306-3

    [7] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Comment/debate (E-pub ahead of print)The Metaverse, or the serious business of tech frontiers12 Mar 2022 In: Postdigital Science and Education, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-022-00300-9

    [8] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Editorial (E-pub ahead of print), Correction to: The Postdigital Learning Spaces of Higher Education (Postdigital Science and Education, (2022), 4, 1, (1-12), 10.1007/s42438-021-00279-9)12 Mar 2022 In: Postdigital Science and Education, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-022-00293-5

    [9] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Comment/debate (E-pub ahead of print), Data, Artificial Intelligence, and the future of learning28 Feb 2022 In: The Chinese Journal of ICT in Education, vol. 28, pp. 5-12  

    [10] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (Published), The postdigital turn: Philosophy, education, research(16 pages)  30 Dec 2021 In: Policy Futures in Education, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/14782103211062713

    [11] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (E-pub ahead of print), How the ‘taming’ of private education in China is impacting AI(11 pages)  13 Dec 2021 In: on_education: Journal for Research and Debate, DOI: https://doi.org/10.17899/on_ed.2021.12.6

    [12] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (Published), The postdigital learning spaces of higher education(12 pages)  1 Dec 2021 In: Postdigital Science and Education, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42438-021-00279-9

    [13] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Editorial (E-pub ahead of print), The postdigital turn: Philosophy, education, research17 Nov 2021 In: Journal of Distance Education in China, vol. 2021  

    [14] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (Published), The postdigital turn: Philosophy, education, research 9 Nov 2021 In: Journal of Distance Education in China  

    [15] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (Published), Refocusing Zuboff’s ‘division of learning’ on education(17 pages)  31 Aug 2021 In: Seminar.net, vol. 17, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7577/seminar.4268

    [16] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Article (Published), Centre Report 2021: Centre for Research in Digital Education1 Jun 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7488/era/crde-001

    [17] Research output: › Commissioned report (Published), Book review: Jeremy Knox on Posthumanism and the Digital University: Texts, Bodies and Materialities by Lesley Gourlay, 202011 May 2021 In: Educational Philosophy and Theory, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2021.1923004

    [18] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Book/Film/Article review (E-pub ahead of print), Response to: “Disruptive Innovation and Technology Enhanced Learning"1 Apr 2021 In: Psychology of Education Review, vol. 45  

    [19] Research output: Contribution to Journal › Comment/debate (Published), The Manifesto for Teaching Online(242 pages)  15 Sep 2020

    [20] Research output: › Book (Published), Centre Report 2020: Centre for Research in Digital Education(15 pages)  6 Jul 2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7488/era/crde-002

    [21] Research output: › Commissioned report (Published), View all 65 publications on Research Explorer


    [1] April 2018, Teaching in the Open: developing a critical higher education practice, Invited talk at SSESW seminar: Advances/Development in Higher Education Teaching, Queens University Belfast

    [2] April 2018, Teaching at Scale: Connecting accredited University provision and open MOOC learning, Invited talk at the Advanced Innovation Centre for Future Education, Beijing Normal University

    [3] November 2017, Developing Critical Awareness with the Learning Analytics Report Card (LARC), Invited talk at the iSchool, University of Sheffield

    [4] October 2017, From prediction to participation: a vision of critical awareness with the Learning Analytics Report Card (LARC), SRHE Digital University network event: Critical Learning Analytics, London. https://www.srhe.ac.uk/events/details.asp?EID=322

    [5] March 2017, Teaching in the open: developing a critical practice., Keynote: DARIAH Conference on Open Resources. Lausanne, Switzerland. http://dariah.eu/teach/index.php/events/

    [6] January 2017, Digital Heroics for Openness, Automation, and Cultural Value, Keynote: Cambridge Libraries conference, University of Cambridge. http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/conference2017/programme.html

    [7] September 2016, Beyond the ‘c-’ and the ‘x-’: new paradigms for MOOC learning, Keynote: International Conference MOOCs, Informal Language Learning, and Mobility, The Open University http://www.open.ac.uk/creet/main/events/international-conference-moocs-informal-language-learning-and-mobility

    [8] September 2016, Posthumanism, digital education, and the MOOC, Invited talk: Department of Educational Research Seminar, Lancaster University.

    [9] December 2015, Massiveness, Scale, and Automation: perspectives on the more-than-human of the MOOC, Invited talk: The OxCrowd Network, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/events/?id=747

    [10] November 2015, Digital Cultures and Lifelong Learning, Keynote: ‘Self-learning in a Digital Era’, ASEM LLL Hub, Delhi

    [11] June 2015, E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC, Invited talk: IACMWMDMPM conference, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu

    [12] January 2015, More-than-human analytics, Invited talk for the FutureLearn Academic Network http://www.flnetwork.org/, University of Edinburgh

    [13] September 2014, E-learning and Digital Cultures, Invited talk at the ‘E-skills for New Jobs: Accelerating Europe’s Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth’ Conference, Public Policy Exchange, Brussels.

    [14] May 2014, Multimodal Profusion in the literacies of the MOOC, Invited talk: Code Acts in Education seminar, University of Edinburgh. https://codeactsineducation.wordpress.com/

    [15] February 2014, Introducing the Massive Open Online Course: Movements, Developments and Futures., Invited talk to faculty on the design, pedagogy and institutional implications of the MOOC, University of Stavanger

    [16] December 2013, How Open are MOOCs? The video lecture, MOOC technology and the complex practices of open education., Invited talk, Academic development seminar, University of Glasgow.

    [17] November 2013, Multimodal Profusion in the Literacies of the Massive Open Online Course., Invited public webinar for the Association of Learning Technology (ALT).

    [18] June 2013, Developing and teaching ‘E-learning and Digital Cultures’, Invited public webinar for the Higher Education Academy: Changing the Learning Landscape– an insight into developing and teaching on a MOOC

    [19] April 2013, Platform Games: Playing with the boundaries of data collection in the MOOC, Invited talk and panel member at British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association (BILETA) conference, University of Liverpool

    [20] March 2013, Running ‘aMOOC’?  Developing and teaching ‘E-learning and Digital Cultures’, Invited talk to staff at Nottingham Trent University

    [21] January 2013, MOOC Pedagogy: the challenges of developing for Courseram, Keynote presentation at the 13th Blackboard Users Conference, Durham University

    [22] November 2012, Open Educational Resources: salvation or subjectification?, Invited talk, SRHE ‘The Digital University’ event, University of Edinburgh.

    [23] April 2012, Motivated, Omnipotent, Obligated, and Cheap: Participating in a MOOC., Invited talk, Elearning@Ed conference, University of Edinburgh.
